Fakenham Bowmen Mayday Weekend

May 6, 2018 – May 7, 2018 all-day
Fakenham Racecourse
Elaine Burbidge/Angela Williams

Fakenham Bowmen’s annual Mayday weekend shoot.

Still with its traditional format, the weekend comprises a 2-way Longbow only Western Shoot followed by a Warwick Shoot on the Sunday, followed by the St George/Albion/Windsor rounds on Mayday Monday.

This is also one of the few competitions to see a Tri-Bow trophy awarded for the weekend. Mark Webb, the County Chair, has won this for the last, well, we’ve lost count of the number of years, though the young guns David and Lee did show promise last year.

Always a great shoot, they are doing everything they can to ensure there isn’t as much wind this year!

Online entry and the entry form are available here:
Mayday Entry